Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Need A Life :|

So, my friends and I just got back from seeing Twilight. I'm on a sugar high and really can't sleep. I'm twitchy, wide awake, and wanting to do something. So, here I am. 12:57 AM. Typing. On my blog.

I need a life :|

Twilight was a pretty good movie. The male actors were attractive and the actress who portrayed Alice was adorable. The books? The series was in general so-so. The plot is okay, but I feel as if more could have been done character development wise. Will it ever top Harry Potter? I think not. I've read the books once, but would I read them again? No. Harry Potter I can sit and read over and over while still catching things I missed the first time around.
I give Twilight a C-, but that's just my humble opinion. I'm not the authority on this kind of thing.

But the movie had great music. And I mean great. I'm going to get the soundtrack sometime this week.

Oh, yeah, I'm going to try and get an iPod. 'Cos you know, I need one. I've got so many songs I love, but...nothing but CD's to put them on. Wish me luck in trying to get my parents to get me one for christmas.

Speaking of which, I'm forming my wish list here. Just so I won't forget. I'm the type of person who forgets...

-Laptop (this will most likely be for my birthday if I get one)
- An assortment of video games I need a to look up
-Linkin Park CD's
-Copic Markers
-Art supplies (paper, a new inking pen, etc)

For those of you curious about my photo... his name is Var. I doodle him a lot. So, until I find a decent picture of myself (Kate, you may need to take one of me), you're all stuck looking at him.

Well, right now I'm going to surf the web and look for those games I'd like.

Ciao 'til later!

1 comment:

Kate Sandvik said...

Tomorrow at rehearsal remind me and I'll take a picture of you.